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Responsibilities of the ESG Sustainability Promotion Committee

【Sustainable Manufacture 】

Environmental policy and energy management system, pollution prevention, climate change adjustment, carbon emission and carbon neutral management

【Sustainable Product 】

Innovative resource management, green products, and product quality, reliability, and safety

【Stakeholders 】

Stakeholder and appeal mechanisms including customers, employees, suppliers, investors, community, and the government

【Risk Management 】

Risk identification, analysis, and compliance with risk management procedures, such as avoidance, reduction, transfer, and continuous monitoring

【Value Chain Management】

Customer service and satisfaction, code of responsible business conduct, sustainable supply chain management

【Corporate Governance】

Integrity management, professional ethics, regulatory compliance and fair disclosure

【Information Security 】

Carry out information security risk assessment in accordance with relevant laws and objectives, and take appropriate measures to ensure the sustainable operation of the business

【Social Care 】

Community participation, care for the disadvantaged, popular science education and environmental protection

The operation and implementation of 2021 are as follows:

In addition to the sustainable development and promotion project and the joint efforts of each department, the resolutions for the discussion of significant issues are as follows:

  1. Continue to strengthen corporate governance and revise the succession plan for senior managers
  2. Conduct information security risk assessment and comprehensively improve the level of protection
  3. Continue optimizing energy efficiency, energy saving, reduce carbon emissions, and carrying out a renewable energy plan in the next 5 years
  4. Strengthen the green supply chain, and invite suppliers to implement the EcoVadis corporate social responsibility evaluation. The goal is to complete the EcoVadis evaluation card for the top 20 suppliers by 2024.

The CSR committee held the Q1 2022 meeting. Discussed matters are as below:The CSR committee held the Q1 2022 meeting. Discussed issues are as below:

  1. Change the name of the CSR Committee to ESG Committee
  2. To amend the material topic of the 2021 sustainability report
  3. To approve the planning: CDP – climate change and CSA questionnaire
  4. Convene TCI Group's Supplier Conference

TCI Group Climate Action Initiative

TCI Group Supplier Code of Conduct

Supply Chain Management

Supplier Code of Conduct

To improve the sustainable development of the supply chain, TCI promulgates the Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure that the suppliers comply with laws and regulations in providing products and services (including labor, health and safety, and environmental standards). In addition, they proactively respond to current ecological protection and social issues and dare to bear corporate social responsibility and continue to achieve improvement. For new suppliers, the Company issues supplier self-assessment forms as a reference for evaluating cooperation and encourages the signing of the Supplier Code of Conduct. TCI will formally audit new suppliers who pass the initial review to ensure the overall quality of TCI’s production process.

In addition to obtaining international certifications such as ISO, SEDEX, HACCP, and others, in line with the trend of sustainable development, TCI includes ESG self-assessment items for the protection of human rights, labor rights, health and safety, and environmental protection in the supplier self-assessment form as essential points for supplier assessment, to reduce the sustainability risks arising in the supply chain and enhance the overall sustainability of the value chain.

Supplier Risk Management Measures

Based on the result of the supplier sustainability risk assessment, TCI manage suppliers sustainability risks in three main ways:

  1. For key suppliers, we communicate with them through monthly supplier meetings and review their sustainability performance at least once every six months.
  2. Encourage suppliers working with TCI to sign the Supplier Code of Conduct, which regulates human rights, labor, health, safety, environment, and ethical standards.
  3. TCI advises suppliers on sustainable development and its corresponding solutions and assists supply chain partners in setting sustainability goals during monthly supplier meetings.

Regarding suppliers with excellent ESG performance, TCI recognizes them at supplier conferences, links their ESG points to future collaborations and purchases, and assists suppliers with alliances with large strategic biotech industries to expand their potential business partners.



TCI combines the research and development resources of the 14 main laboratories with the unique “Bioresource Data Mining” and “Integrated Bioscience Design” to create high-efficiency products for customers in 65 countries worldwide. Based on corporate social responsibility and to implement 8 major themes, TCI has established a dedicated unit under the President’s office: ESG Sustainability Promotion Committee, with Vincent Lin serving as the convener and chairman, and Chief Sustainability Officer Mandy Huang serving as the chief secretary, the committee includes: Sustainable Manufacture, Sustainable Product, Stakeholders, Risk Management, Value Chain Management, Corporate Governance, Information Security, and Social Care. The ESG Sustainability Promotion Committee consists of 15 members including accounting, legal affairs, sales, strategic intelligence, supplier, research and development, administration, corporate governance, human resources, etc. who will collectively consolidate the ESG policies and report to the Board of Directors at least once every year.

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