Press Release

TCI, the 1st Company in Taiwan for the Finishing of the Delivery of Renewable Energy in 2020

TCI was invited to attend the 2019 Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Market Summit held on July 9th by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Remi Lee, the Chief Sustainability Officer of TCI, stated that “sustainability” is definitely the essential of competitiveness in the future. TCI will become the path-breaker who will have executed the delivery of renewable energy in 2020.

TCI signed one memorandums of understanding (MOUs) for the power purchase agreement (PPA) with Mr. Watt and Sinogreenergy respectively. This action has set the new milestone for the liberation of renewable energy trade in Taiwan. After the amendment of the Renewable Energy Development Act, TCI has conquered all practical challenges and will become the first enterprise which successfully signs a power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy generator in 2020. During the summit, Remi discussed the topics about potential business opportunities derived from the renewable energy market in Asia with Chun-Li Lee, the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Energy; Sam Kimmins, the Head of RE100; Alex Patrascu, the Construction T&I Manager of Northland Power Taiwan; Kun-Hung Chen, the Chairman of Sinogreenergy; and Chih-Wei Wu, the Section Chief of the Bureau of Energy. Remi also shared our journey of facilitating the vitality of the market of the Renewable Energy Certificates in Taiwan by purchasing T-RECs proactively. As a buyer, Remi expressed the struggles caused by the unaffordable price of renewable energy to the officials and the renewable energy generators. We are hoping to lower the threshold for entering this market and lead the development of renewable energy market being running neck to neck with the globe.

Remi stated that “environmental protection” will become the key for the healthy operation of an enterprise in the future. The crises we are facing in this century: global warming, species extinction, and resource shortage made TCI start thinking about how to operate a company with the balance between corporate management with social responsibility, circular economy, ecological rehabilitation, and environmental protection 10 years ago. TCI believes that “sustainability” will become the essential competitiveness for enterprises in the future. Our solid revenue is the proof that the advanced brand awareness and business opportunities value more than the investment for carbon reduction and energy saving. TCI has achieved the consecutive 21 quarters with increased revenue during the process of scouting materials for circular economy and establishing the production line with 0 carbon emissions. The 99% increase in annual revenue in 2018 revealed that a green enterprise can still make business opportunities.   

TCI will achieve the goal of sourcing 100% renewable energy by leveraging three strategies: self-supply, Renewable Energy Certificate (REC), and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). We have implemented the top standards for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and corporate social responsibility to nail a win-win-win strategy for commercial profits, the society and the environment.

In addition, TCI has become the first company in Taiwan who is listed in the RE100 members and committed to the course of action for cutting down carbon emissions and loving our planet: we will source 100% renewable energy for our global operation by 2030. Furthermore, for slowing down climate change and using energy efficiently, we are also listed in the EP100 members and have made our promise that an increased energy conversion efficiency of 35% will be achieved in 2040 (compared with 2016). TCI has become one of the guardians for our planet with those international giants like Apple, Facebook, Google, and IKEA and the representative of Taiwan on the journey of fighting for sustainability.

# The participants include Amanda Corio, the Senior Lead of Global Energy and Infrastructure of Google; Pedro Foria, the Strategic Advisor of CDP; Lotte Griek, the Head of Corporate Sustainability Assessments of RobecoSAM; and Shanghai Wang, the Senior Lead of Clean Energy Program of Apple.

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