Press Release

TCI’s Charitable Practice Featured with Sourcing Renewable Energy and the Competitive Advantages Granted by the Low-carbon Strategy

TCI was invited to the Forum of Exploring Worldwide Trends from Renewable Energy held on October 1st by Sunny Founder. We shared our experience in the “action plans for sourcing renewable energy” and the “competitive advantages granted by the business operation with low-carbon strategy”.

The Secretary General of CSR Committee at TCI, Jo Liu, was the keynote speaker for the opening and described the competitive advantages brought by “Green Strategy” and “Sustainability” for TCI.

During the forum, we mentioned the situation that after the amendment of the Renewable Energy Development Act, the government officially announced that enterprises are eligible to purchase renewable energy from a renewable energy generator directly now. However, there are many practical challenges during the administrative process faced by an enterprise who wants to purchase renewable energy owing to this very first implementation. TCI has become the first enterprise which successfully signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy generator and conquered practically challenges enthusiastically. TCI will become the path-breaker who will have executed the delivery of renewable energy in 2020.

Besides our renewable energy strategy, we also focus on advancing energy conversion efficiency and energy productivity. We explained our efforts for these goals during the forum. We have established the first green facial mask factory in compliance with LEED Silver Certification from U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and implemented solar panels on the roof. Funds were invested for the production lines with 6 times faster production speed compared with the average speed of manufacturing in the industry. The factories built to a high specification with green features have been admired by those big names in the cosmetics industry and help us win tremendous orders across the globe. It has proven that “green strategy” is the future competitive advantage for an enterprise.

We appealed that the government and enterprises should devote to the fulfillment of the goal of carbon reduction: 1.5 °C for global warming control supposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We pleaded those big enterprises to join the commitment of sourcing 100% renewable energy. This action helps organize the resources from the industry for accelerating the development of renewable energy and speed up the progress of energy transition.

In addition, in last year, the charitable renewable energy project co-organized by TCI and Sunny Founder purchased the T-RECs launched by St. Comillus Long-term Care Center in Yilan. We make contribution to the local communities when we invest for the development of renewable energy to fulfill the perfect blend of environmental protection and social charity in the same time.

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